
30 day shred blogs
30 day shred blogs

30 day shred blogs

You are eating less than 200 calories for breakfast and around 350 for lunch and dinner and an additional snack. No way is it meant for guys (who typically have a higher metabolism). I checked out the online meal plan…I guess if you were really desperate to lose those extra few pounds for an event that is a week away, you could try it. With that said, there are new ways she tweaked some exercises to keep it fresh. There are only so many ways to do a squat or a burpee. There were some similar exercises to the Hard Body DVD (below), but that didn’t bother me. I haven’t done all of Jillian’s workouts, and the word on the street is that it’s similar to her other workouts.

#30 day shred blogs tv

These photos (of strength workout) below are taken of my tv screen, the picture quality in person is perfect! Also, listen to Jillian’s cues when she gives them to help keep you safe from injury. Maybe more guys would be willing to do the workout with their girlfriend/wife if they saw a guy actually in the video. I liked the fact that a guy was doing the workout too.

30 day shred blogs

I don’t think beginners should even attempt this workout. Jillian calls the modifier a beginner, but she’s not. I do like that she does have a modifier and an advanced level student to show you options. This workout is really geared for the upper intermediate level exerciser. As a trainer myself, I say, “Why can’t you just put the two workouts together?” Really, you can – but the workouts are hard! I did the two workouts yesterday back to back, but I should have done the cardio section first. There is a morning strength workout and an evening cardio workout. Jillian wants you to do 2 30-minute workouts everyday for a one-week period and follow the online diet. This DVD is geared for a crash-course weight loss for an upcoming event (wedding, party, beach vacay, etc). One Week Shred with Jillian Michaels was just released on Tuesday. I have two Jillian Michaels DVDs to share with you for review this week…

30 day shred blogs